​Fond du Lac Sailing Club
"Come sail with us!"
Fond du Lac Ice Yachters

Welcome to the FDL Ice Yachters Webpage
The FDL Ice Yachters Inc. is a group of ice boating enthusiasts established in Fond du Lac in 1975 to bring together those interested in sharing the sport of ice yachting. The club shares meetings with clubs throughout east-central Wisconsin.
This page, hosted by the FDL Sailing Club, is to serve and a venue for sharing information at a glance.
Officers -
Commodore - Dave Tess - 920-877-2198
Vice Commodore - Mark Wiener
Secretary - Andy Gratton - 920-231-3015
Treasurer - Ann Gratton
Meetings & Boating Pictures -
Monday, November 11, 7 p.m. Fond du Lac Yacht Club
Monday, December 9, 7 p.m. at Dave Lallier's shed -Sharpening session
Thursday, January 2, 6:30 p..m.
The history of Ice Boating presentation held at the Manitowoc Maritime Museum
(Click on picture to connect to the archived YouTube presentation)
Saturday, January 11​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Flying Dutchman

Monday, January 13, 7 p.m. Sunset on the Water
Fond du Lac Ice Yacht Club Meeting
Monday, Jan. 13, 2025 at Sunset on the Water, N7364 Winnebago Drive, FDL

Monday, February 10 , 7 p.m. Fond du Lac Yacht Club
Monday, March 10, 7 p.m.
For the latest in ice boating news in Wisconsin and the mid-west, visit Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club
FOR SALE - Boats
If you have a boat for sale, let us share it with others. Email fdlsailingclub@gmail.com with your information.