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​Fond du Lac Sailing Club
"Come sail with us!"
GPS Coordinates for the buoy markers
“A” Buoy ….
N 43.48.383 ...... W 88.26.483
“B” Buoy ….
N 43.49.000 ...... W 88.27.333
“C” Buoy ….
N 43.49.617 ...... W 88.26.483
“D” Buoy ….
N 43.49.000 ...... W 88.25.633
“F” Buoy ….
N 43.53.300 ...... W 88.22.450
“G" Buoy ….
N 43.52.370 ...... W 88.27.050
“F2” Buoy ….
N 43.49.786 ...... W 88.24.194
“G2” Buoy ….
N 43.50.523 ...... W 88.27.020
Orange Buoy: (Yacht Club) ....
N 43.48.020 …. W 88.26.125
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